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Saturday, November 21, 2015

MANDALA: The Batik Patterned The Borobudur Temple Ornaments

MANDALAthe Batik patterned the Borobudur Temple's ornaments—the work of craftsmen who are members of the Mandala Batik Society of Borobudur Region will later 'wrap' every tourist who comes to the Temple of Borobudur. The batik posing the motifs of the temple that was built by the Buddhists who lived during the reign of Syailendra dynasty around 800 BC must now be done by the craftsmen in the area of Borobudur.

One characteristic of the Batik Mandala is themed the ornaments of Borobudur temple, nuanced flora and fauna, such as elephants and lotus. 
"Basically, we want to reflect the Borobudur Temple in the Batik. The Mandala motif itself contains a philosophy of harmony and balance among several interrelated elements; the nature, culture, local wisdom, and all the elements located around the Borobudur temple," said Jack Priyono.
Thanks for visiting MANDALA: The Batik Patterned The Borobudur Temple OrnamentsSaturday, November 21, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Endi Aras Dreams

There is a man who has a sense of deep concern to the development of traditional games in Indonesia. Of his concerns, was born a DREAM. He began to collect various types of traditional toys based on references he has learned.

Call the name Endi Aras, founder of Warisan Indonesia Magazine which also the initiator of Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara, diligently 'blusukan' to the corners of the country, met with the perpetrators of traditions, even the craftsmen of traditional toys. Be Endi Aras that now a classy traditional toys collector. No doubt if some of the kazoos craftsmen in some areas quite familiar with him. This was done in order to realize his dream; establish Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara in several places in Indonesia or at least in every province can be built one Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara.

(Rony G. Suara Gemilang) Thanks for visiting Endi Aras DreamsTuesday, November 17, 2015

The Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara at Dusun Sodongan

Dusun Sodongan located in the village Bumiharjo, the Subdistrict Borobudur, Magelang Regency. The Dusun/Hamlet Sodongan has a variety of potential that can be developed, both in agribusiness, economics, arts & culture, and tourism. Given the location of the hamlet Sodongan which is only about 1.5 kilometers from the site of Borobudur Temple that makes Hamlet Sodongan have relatively stronger appeal than other areas.

As a movement that has a concern for the preservation of culture—especially the traditional games—the Cimantra give high appreciation for the variety of potential possessed by the hamlet Sodongan. The appreciation is realized by establishing a 'wonder' in Sodongan; named the Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara, which has been officially opened on Monday, June 17, 2013.

Who is The Founding Father of Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara?

(Rony G. Suara Gemilang) Thanks for visiting The Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara at Dusun SodonganTuesday, November 17, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara's Integrated Programme

Instead of fight to be favorite edutainmet-tourism destination, the Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara also collects the results of several artisans craft from the local area and especially the craftsmen of traditional toys. Tourism packages are also prepared to facilitate the educative activities one of which is a workshop about making a variety of traditional toys and local crafts, so that the visitors of Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara especially students/children can learn and practice making traditional toys DIY while honing creativity. That's all are what so called the Integrated Programme.

Where is the 'village' of Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara?

(Rony G. Suara Gemilang) Thanks for visiting Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara's Integrated ProgrammeMonday, November 16, 2015

Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara: Favorite Edutainment-Tourism Destinations

Instead of the MISSION, the Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara is also has the VISION; provide information to the public, particularly on all matters related to Indonesian traditional games. Starting from the Vision and Mission, the Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara strive to become one of the favorite edutainmet-tourism destinations for the peoples. To facilitate this, the Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara equipped with arena to play traditional games like hopscotch (Sundamanda), the stilts, Spinning Top, the giant clogs, Gobak Sodor, Neker (marble), and so on.

Engklek Tutorial

The Sunda Manda

Engklek VS Benthik

But not only that, the Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara also provides a variety of traditional toys that can be rented out to the visitors. There are also a gallery displaying a wide range of traditional toys and photographs as well as information about the diversity of traditional games from all over the archipelago.

(Rony G. Suara Gemilang) Thanks for visiting Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara: Favorite Edutainment-Tourism DestinationsMonday, November 16, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara's VISION

The Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara's VISION, among others:
  1. Establishing insights of culture to the Indonesian peoples, especially children through traditional games, so the values that appear in traditional games such as the common values, honesty and sportsmanship can be indirectly socialized into their lives.
  2. Motivating Indonesian children to continue to play the traditional games, so as to raise their awareness to recognizing, knowing, understanding and appreciate their own culture. Thus creating a sense of pride and respect for the spirit of the nation "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" or the Unity In Diversity.
  3. Provide alternative entertainment to the public through the traditional games, both among children, adolescents as well as adults and to be a place to accommodate various types of the traditional games from various regions in Indonesia, then attempt to popularize it back to the community.
  4. The Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara also serves as a place where people can find information about the traditional games in Indonesia.
(Rony G. Suara Gemilang) Thanks for visiting The Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara's VISIONThursday, November 12, 2015

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Cimantra Movement,"Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara"

Given the important matters; Multi Ethnic, Multi Cultural, Multi Traditional Games, Modern Toys the PROS/CONS, Traditional Toys VS Modern Toys, gradually formed the Movement Of Cimantra ("Cinta Permainan Tradisional" or Loving The Traditional Games), which has been rolled and need to get support from all elements of society; parents, educators, humanists, artists, government officials, and the private sectors. The Cimantra will start a real step in the effort to preserve the traditional games by setting up the integrated program named Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara or "The Hamlet Of The Archipelago's Games".
Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara has become one implementation of the Cimantra's spirit that was born from a MISSION, ie:
Promote the traditional games to Indonesian children, to the parents and the general public, in an effort to preserve (in the sense of exploring, developing, and utilizing traditional games.)
The Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara's VISION

(Rony G. Suara Gemilang) Thanks for visiting Cimantra Movement,"Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara"Sunday, November 08, 2015

Saturday, November 07, 2015

Traditional Toys VS Modern Toys

In the middle of the all-powerful life it is necessary to reintroduce the children to the traditional toys diversity originating from their own national culture (which in fact is no less interesting than the modern toy today). Especially if you see the positive impacts of the traditional games are much more than the modern games, since the start of making process, to how to play the traditional toys, proved to be able to stimulate the child's intelligence, because within the traditional game takes skill and creativity. Traditional toys are able to develop interpersonal relationships (social intelligence) within children from an early age, because almost all traditional toys be played with others.

In the traditional games contained the values of togetherness, honesty, sportsmanship, and attitudes to uphold the rules and customs regulations. Traditional games train the fine motor skills and gross motor skills, so that children will be healthy, far away from obesity. Fine motor skills: grabbing, holding, stringing. Gross motor skills: running, rolling, lifting, slamming.

(Rony G. Suara Gemilang) Thanks for visiting Traditional Toys VS Modern ToysSaturday, November 07, 2015

Modern Toys the PROS/CONS

In the present—where technology is progressing very rapidly—bring up varied of toys that are all-sophisticated and all-electrical. Modern toys always give broad impacts, pros, cons, positive impacts, negative impacts on the psychological and academic development of the children.

Modern toys—that in fact—can only be enjoyed by a limited circle, for example, console games, computer games, can cause children become preoccupied with themselves, modern toys addiction. Such a bad news, the 'addiction' will turn them into solitary children, too preoccupied with themselves and less concerned with others.

The positive side of modern toys. Children who love modern toys are usually quickly master new technology, and also enable to master the English vocabulary, easily, because modern toys using advanced technology and also using English as the language of instruction.

Traditional Toys VS Modern Toys

(Rony G. Suara Gemilang) Thanks for visiting Modern Toys the PROS/CONSSaturday, November 07, 2015

Multiethnical, Multicultural, Multitraditional:games

As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has hundreds of ethnic and cultural diversity that is extraordinary. One of them is reflected in the traditional games. There are hundreds or even thousands of different kinds of traditional games scattered throughout the archipelago that is the legacy of our ancestors. The multicultural and multi-ethnic of Indonesian Peoples has produced a variety of traditional games. This is what demonstrated that the presence of so many ethnic groups in Indonesia, then how unimaginable richness of Indonesian culture. Likewise, traditional games scattered throughout this corners of the country.

The creativity of the Peoples is very apparent from the way they create a variety of traditional toys, the use of all provided by nature and what is given by the environment of flora and fauna. Indonesian traditional toys's raw materials are generally identical to the geographic characteristic where traditional toys are located. In mountainous regions and the mainland in general the base material of the traditional toys made of wood, bamboo, clay, seeds, leaves, fruits, and other trees. While in the coastal regions in general, the traditional toys made by utilizing clams, snails, shells, and others like. These raw materials are very easy to get in the nature.

In the present—where technology is progressing very rapidly—spawned a variety of toys that are all-sophisticated and all-electrical. Modern toys always give a broad impact, pros, cons, positive impacts, negative impacts on the psychological and academic development of the children.

(Rony G. Suara Gemilang) Thanks for visiting Multiethnical, Multicultural, Multitraditional:gamesSaturday, November 07, 2015

Friday, November 06, 2015

No Murals No Morals II

In the modern era when free growing democratization of artistic expression, not only in its discourse but also in the media, the perceived impact also affects the freedom to paint the walls of the city the murals were more lively and diverse. The murals not only be done by a famous artist but also by individuals or specific groups which considers it important to vent ideas and creativity on canvas available in the walls of housing, offices, business areas, and other zones.

As if by magic, urban suddenly transformed into a kind of attractive mural gallery that can be enjoyed by anyone, not even a little bit as well which makes it as the icon of tourism attractions. The atmosphere in the large cities and small cities have started lively with murals, ranging from illegal to officially facilitated by the authorities.

Therefore murals was placed in a public spaces, it should pay attention to public aspirations. Here the public is an entity compound—and if indeed the strengthening of citizens and democracy has become a shared commitment—so the murals and the muralist should be able to understand the situational. For the murals should be able to facilitate public communication independently (free of domination), do not let the existence of murals is precisely the outcome of negotiations of elite between the city government with the muralist that ignores the aspirations of the people, because it may be just a project for the sake of personal interest of certain parties.

Narasumber: The Head of Research and Development of The Arts Council of Magelang District Government, Ch. Dwi Anugrah Thanks for visiting No Murals No Morals IIFriday, November 06, 2015

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Nglipoh: Desa Wisata Borobudur's New Destination

The spirit of Nglipoh pottery handicraft still continued by the slopes of the hill Menoreh residents. Moreover, now Nglipoh is Desa Wisata Borobudur's new destination, where almost every day there are tourists who come to visit, and also feel directly like what it feels of making Nglipoh pottery handicraft.

The tourists who visit the village Nglipoh, said Supoyo not just take a look at the activities of citizens Nglipoh, but also directly involved in the making of Nglipoh pottery handicraft. "Models and forms of pottery to be made depending on the tastes of the tourists. Clearly, they feel satisfied, because they can create their own work directly with their own hands, and they can take it home to their own country," he explained.

The process of making pottery handicraft by tourists—domestic and foreign—relatively not too time consuming. Only about 6 hours of process for the pottery can be taken home. Tourists usually come early in the morning to start making their pottery handicraft. After the pottery done, do the drying process (drying in under the sun for about 5 hours), once dry it is immediately put in to oven for about 60 minutes.

"Once finished, the tourists works well be delivered to the hotel where the tourists stay. No matter whether they stay in Borobudur or in Jogja, we are always ready to take up the place of destination. This is one of our best services so that tourists stay longer in Borobudur," said Supoyo.

Not infrequently also the students who love to come and learn about the production of Nglipoh pottery handicraft. According to children, making Nglipoh pottery handicraft is very fun, because they can play while learning, and learning while working.

About the price of Nglipoh pottery handicraft, according Supoyo, is vary. Starting from 3000 Rupiahs to 300000 Rupiahs per product, depending on the motives and degree of difficulty as well as the raw material. If pottery using clay from Magelang, the price is relatively cheaper. But if the clay came from Sukabumi, West Java, the price is relatively more expensive.

"Yes indeed the quality of pottery with raw clay from Sukabumi the results is relatively better, because it is more attractive in terms of color; reddish. In contrast to the raw materials of pottery with clay from Magelang, a little bit dull if burned too long," said Supoyo.
Thanks for visiting Nglipoh: Desa Wisata Borobudur's New DestinationThursday, November 05, 2015

Borobudur Relief on Clay: Nglipoh Pottery Hadicraft

In every houses on the slopes of Menoreh hill—precisely in Nglipoh Village, Borobudur District, Magelang Regency—full view of Nglipoh people activity and busyness, namely the Nglipoh pottery handicraft production. In Nglipoh, not just adults, Amy also adept at making Nglipoh pottery handicraft. Nglipoh pottery handicraft production is Nglipoh people's odd jobs, in addition to farming.

Nglipoh pottery handicraft production is hereditary occupation from the ancestors of Nglipoh people that until now retained its continuity. Usually Nglipoh pottery handicraft production activity was undertaken by Nglipoh people once coming home from the rice fields.

A Nglipoh pottery craftsman, Supoyo mentioned that there are several types and forms of pottery handicraft produced in Nglipoh. Among them, the craft ashtray from the clay, jug, keg, kendil, and much more. In fact, now the pottery artisans in Nglipoh successfully innovate; make relief Borobudur on clay.

The effort of Nglipoh pottery handicraft production still continued by the residents on the slopes of the hill Menoreh. Moreover, now Nglipoh is new Destinations Desa Wisata Candi Borobudur, where almost every day there are tourists who come to visit, and also feel directly like what it feels of making Nglipoh pottery handicraft.
Thanks for visiting Borobudur Relief on Clay: Nglipoh Pottery HadicraftThursday, November 05, 2015

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

No Murals No Morals

The cities now increasingly providing facilities for the life of its citizens. Ranging from private spaces to public spaces. Uniqueness by uniqueness of the urban life increasingly 'coloring' human civilization nowadays. Civilization and culture become a brand image of the earth human life today.

One of physical shape that facilitated are the city buildings, ranging from the tiny to the skyscrapers. The buildings by itself provide the walls with a variety of shapes, sizes and functions. People then watched how the existence of the walls in urban areas used as a venue for various purposes of individual even communities of the city.

Muralist see the walls of the city as a venue for creativity. Mural' forms of expression can be in various forms, shapes, sizes and functions. For muralist, the walls of the city is stretch of blank canvases that are ready to be painted. An artist with creative ideas able to make the canvas walls of the city as a medium of expression of aesthetic expression.

In practice and development, the making mural as frescoes done by the artists by order of the city authorities or related institutions or certain parties who considered it essential about recording and imaging of an event, or just an attempt so that an area of the city becomes more attractive and beautiful.

Murals is usually not independent of the sponsor message. Muralist itself could be a famous artist or young artists whose works need to be further introduced to the public. It all depends on considerations related institutions, or party supporters, or buyers, usually containing messages of political, ideological, business, or purely aesthetic.

Narasumber: The Head of Research and Development of The Arts Council of Magelang District Government, Ch. Dwi Anugrah
Thanks for visiting No Murals No MoralsTuesday, November 03, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Murals, Public Spaces, Piles, Jogja's Lempuyangan Flyover Bearing Walls

Mural was often correlated with a term of public space. It is regarded as an artistic strategy to "seize" the public space. The public space here certainly have a diverse interpretation. But rather that the public space refers to the empty space that is used as a medium of expression. And of course, the public space is not really empty, because often being in control of the government, which can only be used with the permission of the government.

Mention the name; Samuel Indratma, Arie Dyanto, and several of their colleagues, when it was first incised mural on the flyover's bearing wall of Lempuyangan Yogyakarta, they were requesting permission from the government of Yogyakarta. On a joint effort led by Samuel and his colleagues incorporated in the Jogja Mural Forum, in some parts of the piles and the bearing walls of the Jogja's Lempuyangan flyover, a number of local artists carve classic stories; Joko Tarub, Ramayana, and the events of Sultan Agung and J.P. Coen the Governor General of VOCs in the environment Mataram palace.

Upon joint effort of the mural artists, venues around the flyover Lempuyangan Jogja becomes lively and colorful. You can imagine yourself, without a touch of the murals from the artists, the environment under the flyover of Lempuyangan Yogya only will present just concrete piles, crowing gray, haunted impressed and not environmentally friendly at the same time. Fortunately, the imagination of the artists and their efforts have been juggling the place into a very different world. No longer grayish, the color of the cement that is alienating and unsightly. Lively colorful with all the story depicted in there, creating a comfortable atmosphere for refreshing and so on. Even in the evening the place turns into a bustling location. There, the citizens of Yogyakarta can hang out, chat, & led their children playing in locations around the Railway Station Lempuyangan while watching the trains passing by.

From Yogyakarta, the art mural spreading increasingly extends to some surrounding areas; Magelang, Purworejo, Kebumen, Waterford, and others. So can be said almost all city or county the mural has been increasingly popular in the community. Apart from being a medium of communication, mural can create a social space in the middle of town where the activity of the lives of the citizens never stopped. And at the same time, the dedicated paintings could invite discussion from enthusiasts and audience. That is where the behavior of respect for the work of art mural along with the stories of the display can be placed.

Narasumber: The Head of Research and Development of The Arts Council of Magelang District Government, Ch. Dwi Anugrah
Thanks for visiting Murals, Public Spaces, Piles, Jogja's Lempuyangan Flyover Bearing WallsFriday, October 16, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Murals: The History of Wall Messaging

Once Upon a time the world was shocked by a very amazing archaeological finds. Namely, rock painting/carvings in the form of figures wears shoes, long pants, shirt and hat, truly extraordinarily. Beyond the public prejudice, the carved rocks found in the cave of Lussac-les-Chateaux in France estimatedly to have been aged 15000-year-old. Concretely, finding treasure in the form of paintings of wild animals, primitive/ancient human activities; from hunting to rituals. It's a very ancient culture image and recorded meticulously, like a journal of life carved on the walls, floor, or ceiling of the cave rocks.

To be sure, in the caves a series of visual images have been carved by civilized ones. Similarly, when the archaeologists in the other hemisphere found ancient images in caves, in fault rocks, on the rock cliff; rock painting in San Francisco and in several European countries, caves in Papua, and also in other places. At this visual image lined messages on the wall through the skilled hands are full accuracy and artistic sensitivity.

No less interesting is that some modern man is now also fond of wall messages aka Murals (creative wall murals). Even up to the present time, Murals has been a creative field that raise a lot of expression of visual forms. But its meaning is much deeper, communication as the basis of social relations that existing and enduring every human civilization. In fact, not just practice the reality of everyday relationships, but growing rapidly as the desire to communicate the existential struggle, both individually as well as community.

Narasumber: Ch. Dwi Anugrah (Head of Research and Development of The Arts Council of Magelang District Government) via  S U A R A  G E M I L A N G
Thanks for visiting Murals: The History of Wall MessagingThursday, October 15, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Have You been able to take care of Candi Borobudur the temple? Independently or still bring-in resources from abroad?

"In order to improve the ability of human resources, our staff at Borobudur Temple Conservation Center routinely included to workshops or apprenticeships abroad, including to Japan, South Korea, Italy, and Greece. Post-eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 ago, which resulted in Candi Borobudur the temple covered with volcanic ash, we had conducted monitoring and research about the negative impact of the Merapi's volcano ash for the rocks preservation of Borobudur Temple. In the course of monitoring and studies, we're assisted by the UNESCO who sends the stone conservation experts from Italy, Germany, and Japan. With the help of the foreign experts we're take care of Borobudur Temple as well as to enhance the ability of our staff in the field of Borobudur Temple's rocks conservation." said Drs. Marsis Sutopo, M.Si.

See also

What are tools owned by the conservation center to perform routine maintenance to Borobudur Temple and the incidental treatment?

Thanks for visiting Have You been able to take care of Candi Borobudur the temple? Independently or still bring-in resources from abroad?Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What are tools owned by the conservation center to perform routine maintenance to Borobudur Temple and the incidental treatment?

"Various laboratory equipment for monitoring the results of data processing has been owned by the Conservation Center of Candi Borobudur. Various types of laboratory we also already have such as; Chemical Laboratory, Laboratory of Physics, Biology Laboratory, Laboratory of Petrograpbic, Conservation Laboratory, and Laboratory of SEM. We also have advanced equipment; Laser scanning Photogrammetry, Inclinometer, Geodetic Total Station, Geodetic Waterpass, GPS Tracking, Station Climatology Climatology Station Portable, various types of data logger that is useful to measure the temperature and humidity, and other advanced tools. The maintenance/treatment of advanced tools mentioned above in daily activities operationalized by our staff at Borobudur Temple Conservation Center. Meanwhile, to monitor the behavior of the tourists, the CCTV cameras have also been installed, the camera is always controlled by the clerk at the CCTV control room. With the CCTV, the behavior of the tourists that could potentially threaten the sustainability of Candi Borobudur, eg climbing the stupa or climbing Candi Borobudur the temple's wall, will soon be monitored by CCTV cameras, so the officer can conduct a rebuke directly or via the sound system." said Drs. Marsis Sutopo, M.Si.

See also

Have You been able to take care of Candi Borobudur the temple? Independently or still bring-in resources from abroad?

Thanks for visiting What are tools owned by the conservation center to perform routine maintenance to Borobudur Temple and the incidental treatment?Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

For the sake of Borobudur Temple preservation, tourists might be PROHIBITED to visit, COULD IT BE???

From Drs. Marsis Sutopo, M.Si., the Head of Borobudur Temple Conservation Center. Structurally, we have not found yet any significant impacts among the number of tourists and the stability of the building structure of Borobudur Temple. However, what will directly affect the structure of the building is the wear of the rock on the floor and stairs that from year to year is getting worse. Therefore, what we have to think about tomorrow is to limit the number of tourists who go up to the temple of Candi Borobudur. Of course, it's not easy to limit the number of tourists as long as there is no strict quota. Or it could also be made of other alternatives (where possible) the tourists always be allowed to visit, but go up to the temple is not a must. (SUARA GEMILANG)

For the sake of Borobudur Temple preservation, tourists might be PROHIBITED to visit, could it be?

Thanks for visiting For the sake of Borobudur Temple preservation, tourists might be PROHIBITED to visit, COULD IT BE???Wednesday, October 07, 2015

HOW the MAXIMUM number of tourists Candi Borobudur the temple could accommodate?

From the Head of Candi Borobudur Conservation Center, Drs. Marsis Sutopo, M.Si. At first glance we can count how many ideal visitors to Candi Borobudur the temple at the same time. The Borobudur Temple's courtyard can accommodate about 200 to 300 tourists. The hallway floor plus terrace of the temple stupas are able to accommodate about 600 to 700 tourists. So, at the same time Candi Borobudur the temple is expected to accommodate tourists approximately 800 to 1000 people.

See also
Thanks for visiting HOW the MAXIMUM number of tourists Candi Borobudur the temple could accommodate?Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Monday, October 05, 2015

WHAT ACTIONs Done By The Borobudur Temple Conservation Center On Caring For CANDI BOROBUDUR The Ancestors's Heritage Building?

From Drs. Marsis Sutopo, M.Si, Head of Borobudur Temple Conservation Center. The main tasks & function of Borobudur Temple Conservation Center as the Technical Implementation Unit of Directorate General For Culture in the Ministry Of Education And Culture of Indonesia among others; to preserve, protect, and secure the Borobudur temple. Starting in 2012 The Borobudur and Pawon Temple turned into one unified World Cultural Heritage, named the Candi Borobudur, then handed over its maintenance and the care to the Borobudur Conservation Center, formerly under the authority of the Institute for Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Central Java with offices in Prambanan.

The care of Candi Borobudur the temple must be in accordance to the UNESCO standards, therefore then performed the activities of routine monitoring throughout the year, such as monitoring the stone of the temple, Geohydrology monitoring, leakage monitoring of the temple wall, monitoring the stability of the structure of the temple and the hill, environmental monitoring, utilization and security monitoring. From the monitoring activities will be obtained data or information that can be used as a basis for decision making and policies related to efforts to what to do in order to preserve Candi Borobudur the temple.

To improve the sustainability in the Borobudur Zone 1 (the yard and the building of the temple), starting in 2010 has been applied smoke-free areas. Therefore in Zone 1 is no longer any trash of cigarette butts scattered on the floor of the temple and in the temple.
Thanks for visiting WHAT ACTIONs Done By The Borobudur Temple Conservation Center On Caring For CANDI BOROBUDUR The Ancestors's Heritage Building?Monday, October 05, 2015

Sunday, October 04, 2015

HOW MUCH MONEY should be budgeted each year in order to taking care of Candi Borobudur the temple & from what sources it comes?

From the Head of Borobudur Temple Conservation Center, Drs. Marsis Sutopo, M.Si. The budget issued by the Government of Indonesia via the Hall of Borobudur Temple Conservation for the routine maintenance and the upkeep of Candi Borobudur the temple funded by the State Budget. The Direct Expenditures (maintenance and upkeep) such as repairing leakage on the temple wall, repair for the drainage located under the floor 3 to floor 7, and also conservation treatment that the amount of budget tailored to the needs and volume of work. While The Indirect Expenditures, for example for the making of maintenance infrastructure & facilities in the form of various equipment for the daily maintenance work, environmental improvement and arrangement of the yard of Zone 1, the equipment for disaster management (eg Stupa Cover used to protect the Stupa in the event of ash), CCTV monitoring equipment, as well as various other equipment for routine monitoring of the temple of Candi Borobudur. So, within 1 year the required funds is more than 1 billion Rupiahs to meet the needs of maintenance and upkeep of Candi Borobudur The World Cultural Heritage.
Thanks for visiting HOW MUCH MONEY should be budgeted each year in order to taking care of Candi Borobudur the temple & from what sources it comes?Sunday, October 04, 2015

Have there been any studies on HOW LONG Borobudur Temple will able to SURVIVE since the natural factors around the Borobudur so close to the Merapi and the potential for earthquakes?

From the Head of Borobudur Temple Conservation Center, Drs. Marsis Sutopo, M.Si. There is no data that can be referenced, the Data that is able to explain until when Borobudur Temple will survived. At the time of the restoration of the temple (during the year 1973-1983) indeed already built the reinforcement structure planted inside the temple, and in the yard of the temple. However, the strengthening of the structure can not be used to determine how many years the Borobudur will survive, because there is no definite basis for calculation. Unlike another case, when you build structures like houses, roads, bridges, and so on, that always can be determined on how long the building can survive because there is a definite calculation.

However, with the monitoring and routine maintenance, expected the mega structure of Borobudur Temple will still be able to survive for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, if only there is no devastating natural disasters, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions for example, which affect the structural stability of the building of the temple. In addition, in the absence of extreme climate change that could affect the fragility of the rock temple, which in turn will also directly affect the structure of Candi Borobudur the temple.
Thanks for visiting Have there been any studies on HOW LONG Borobudur Temple will able to SURVIVE since the natural factors around the Borobudur so close to the Merapi and the potential for earthquakes?Sunday, October 04, 2015

Saturday, October 03, 2015

WHAT IF the UNESCO Revoke the Borobudur Temple Status as the World Cultural Heritage

From the Head of the Borobudur Conservation Center, Drs. Marsis Sutopo, M.Si. The impact of the revocation of the World Cultural Heritage status is Borobudur will no longer listed in the World Heritage List. Therefore no longer be a World Heritage Site, then of course all the awards, handling, and management of Candi Borobudur the temple will be very much different. However, to understanding, the gaining of World Heritage status is a very long struggle, must go through the selection, diplomacy, negotiation, and so on. Vice versa, the revocation of the World Heritage status also must go through very long process. Previously, within 1 or 2 years the World Heritage Site proposal usually got approval from the UNESCO. Now, we must go through a long struggle, diplomacy, negotiation, because of hard competition between countries who own world heritage sites.

Not long ago, Subak Bali The Irrigation System, after we waited and fought for 12 years finally approved by the UNESCO as World Heritage. Meanwhile, Indonesia still has about 26 world heritage (both cultural and natural) are still in the Tentative List which of course is still to be fought to successfully achieve the Permanent List of World Heritage.

World Heritage status is the status and the highest award from the world's official agency in charge of culture. Surely if the status/awards that has been won by country are subsequently revoked or canceled due to the inability of the country for the care of world heritage site and the management, compliant to the international conventions, pride of the nation is at stake. Like a world champion boxing got revoked/canceled his title but not through the official games, because of mistake he made outside the ring. If this sort of thing really happen then surely we judged to be incompetent by the international community, incompetent on the care and management of the World Heritage site, the heritage of all mankind.
Thanks for visiting WHAT IF the UNESCO Revoke the Borobudur Temple Status as the World Cultural HeritageSaturday, October 03, 2015

There Is No Discourse That UNESCO Will Officially REVOKE The World Heritage Status Carried By The Borobudur

From Drs. Marsis Sutopo, M.Si, Head Of Borobudur Conservation Center. Officially, there has never been existed! A discourse to REVOKE the status of Borobudur Temple (as the World Heritage) by the UNESCO. At that time, the information is fragmentary released by the mass media, both mainstream and online, which then spread out. In fact, the Borobudur's State of Conservation from year to year always getting better and better. This is proved by the results of the UNESCO session report, every 2 years, that evaluating the real condition of World Heritage, and also evaluating periodic reports submitted by countries own the World Heritage. So, the process of revocation of the World Heritage status can not be done suddenly, because of having to go through a long process.

In 2003 ago, the UNESCO monitored the Borobudur temple. In the UNESCO recommendation there are a few things to do to reform the management of Borobudur Temple. In 2006, UNESCO undertaken reactive monitoring and provide recommendations, as well as a "rebuke". Some important recommendations given by the UNESCO, among others; preservation of the temple building (state of conservation) need to be addressed, hawkers growth in Zone 2 must be addressed and controlled, physical development pressure in Zone 3, 4, and 5 need to be controlled so as not to damage the zone of Borobudur temple as World Heritage, and the need for integrated management to the World Heritage Borobudur. From some of these recommendations teh Borobudur Conservation Center must follow up. Meanwhile, what is not authority of theirs, coordinated by the Government to do follow-up. By operating in accordance with its authority, Borobudur Conservation Center directly can only handle the preservation of the temple building (state of conservation). As for other areas, eg development pressure problems in Zone 3 to 5, and the need for integrated management is the authority of the Government. While the problem of hawkers growth in the Zone 2 is the authority of the PT. TWCBPRB.

From the recommendations above, the Government then made a national priorities strategic program, which makes Borobudur as a National Strategic Area, so that the growth of the Borobudur able to be controlled through rules of the national spatial planning. Borobudur region's spatial planning under the coordination of the Ministry of Public Works. Then the integrated management becoming a priority program to be prepared under the coordination of technical ministries in charge of culture (Ministry of Education and Culture). Integrated management of World Heritage Borobudur up to the present stage its regulations being prepared by the Ministry of Education and Culture under the coordination of Dirjen.Kebudayaan.

The result of the UNESCO session in 2009, there is no more a "reprimand" to the Borobudur. However, UNESCO still recommend that efforts to reform the Borobudur continues to be done by the Government of Indonesia. In 2010 ago, as we have seen, Borobudur affected Merapi eruption, until the ash cover the surface of the temple. However, with the rapid action of Borobudur Conservation Center assisted by the community and all relevant parties has managed to clean the Borobudur temple in a relatively short time (45 days) so that Borobudur can be reopened as a tourist attraction. From these efforts, then at the UNESCO meeting in 2011 Borobudur did not get the "bad record" at all, the UNESCO even reward and appreciate the Government of Indonesia that quickly overcome the effects of the eruption of Mount Merapi away from the Borobudur.
Thanks for visiting There Is No Discourse That UNESCO Will Officially REVOKE The World Heritage Status Carried By The BorobudurSaturday, October 03, 2015

Friday, October 02, 2015

The State Of Conservation: An Authority Of The Borobudur Conservation Center Upon The Preservation Of The Temple

From The Head Of The Borobudur Conservation Center, Drs. Marsis Sutopo, M.Si. The Ratification of Borobudur Temple as The World Heritage walk through a very lengthy process. After going through many years of preparation, Borobudur the temple was proposed by the Government of Indonesia via dossier (proposal document) dated September 21st 1990. The UNESCO gave formal approval (No.592 Yr. 1991), the Borobudur Temple as World Heritage. As The World Heritage, Borobudur has the name Borobudur Temple Compounds, which is a unity between Borobudur the temple, Pawon Temple, Mendut Temple, to Borobudur the Region consisting of Zone 1 and Zone 2 Borobudur, Zone 1 Pawon and Mendut, Zone 3, Zone 4 and Zone 5.

Till the write of this post, The Cultural Heritage belonging to the Indonesian people which has been approved as World Heritage by the UNESCO, among others; The Candi Borobudur (1991), The Candi Prambanan (1991), The Manusia Purba Sangiran Site (1992), and The Subak Bali (2012). While The Natural Heritage which has been approved by the UNESCO as World Heritage, among others; The Tropical Rainforest of Sumatra, The Ujung Kulon National Park, The Komodo National Park, The Gunung Lorentz National Park of Irian Jaya. While the works (things) &/ heritage (not-things) belonging to the Indonesian people that got recognition as the World Heritage, among others; Keris, Batik, Wayang, Saman dance, Angklung, and Noken.

Consequence of the recognition of Borobudur Temple as The World Heritage can be seen from two sides, from the UNESCO and the Government of Indonesia. The UNESCO has the authority to conduct monitoring, reactive monitoring, evaluation, making a list of heritage in danger, and delete a World Heritage from the list. However, UNESCO also has an obligation to provide financial assistance and technical experts to help the preserve of World Heritage. Meanwhile, the Indonesian government also has an obligation, that is; perform maintenance (state of conservation) in accordance with applicable standards, maintaining the value criteria grandeur (Outstanding Universal Value), manage by taking into account the principles of conservation, and provide periodic reports to the UNESCO every two years.
Thanks for visiting The State Of Conservation: An Authority Of The Borobudur Conservation Center Upon The Preservation Of The TempleFriday, October 02, 2015

Thursday, October 01, 2015

What actions has been conducted by the Department of Tourism of Magelang District to address complaints from the tourists related to the number of hawkers, lack of parking space during the holidays, as well as the distance away from the temple of Borobudur to the parking lot?

Head of Tourism of Magelang District, Drs. Dian Setya Dharma, MM said, "Hawkers no longer be major problem, when in under control, in fact now gradually hawkers problem has been resolved properly. Have resolved in the sense the place where they sell started to be arranged regularly. What's more, now we will try to open a souvenir centers which are located in the villages around the area of Borobudur Temple. Thus, the tourists will be directed to visit the craft centers, before entering Borobudur Temple area. By driving a carriage, of course, a penchant for the tourists. It is also important that immediate attention from PT. Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur willing to provide guidance, coaching form of training skills for a family of peddlers, and others, for the welfare of the people's economy."

See also

Thanks for visiting What actions has been conducted by the Department of Tourism of Magelang District to address complaints from the tourists related to the number of hawkers, lack of parking space during the holidays, as well as the distance away from the temple of Borobudur to the parking lot?Thursday, October 01, 2015

What are the role and authority that has been done, being conducted, and that will be done by Magelang District Government, in this case the department of tourism, to the advancement of tourism in the Borobudur?

Drs. Dian Setya Dharma, MM the Head of Tourism of Magelang District said, "Tourism can not build itself. Department of Tourism is not possible do single fighter, any other officials are ready to help. The development of infrastructure, roads and bridges, is entirely up by the Ministry of Public Works. Its afforestation assisted by; Department of Farming and Agriculture and Forestry and the Environment. Increasing of the local wisdom be handled by the handicraft industry; Department of Industry, and Cooperatives and SMEs. Etc. The Department of Tourism is not possible to implement it all, alone, we also rely PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan managed by Bapermaspuan & KB, moreover there is the Ministry Parekraf which has PNPM Mandiri Pariwisata. So, everything synergy for the survival of the Candi Borobudur. The expectations of UNESCO is Candi Borobudur the temple is seems clear its beauty, as far as the eye could see, unobstructed prevented by other buildings.

See also

What actions has been conducted by the Department of Tourism of Magelang District to address complaints from the tourists related to the number of hawkers, lack of parking space during the holidays, as well as the distance away from the temple of Borobudur to the parking lot? Thanks for visiting What are the role and authority that has been done, being conducted, and that will be done by Magelang District Government, in this case the department of tourism, to the advancement of tourism in the Borobudur?Thursday, October 01, 2015

Some time ago there are discourse to revoke the status of Borobudur Temple as a World Cultural Heritage so what's the underlying problem and how the effort which has been and will be done by the government to maintain the status?

eko budi the prayitnow
eko budi the prayitnow +ekobudi prayitno 
Head of Tourism of Magelang District, Drs. Dian Setya Dharma, MM said, "Yes, indeed Borobudur Temple was first rumored no longer included in the 7 Wonders of the World, but it is just a mere issue. But in this case, precisely the UNESCO themselves who then put Borobudur Temple as a World Cultural Heritage, even in 2012 ago the Borobudur also gained Award of Guines Book of Records as "The Big/Large of Temple". In this case, influence on local governments is relatively small, but it is true suppose not included in the World Cultural Heritage will surely closed the door for the Borobudur for still respectable as a world class tourist attraction. The immediate impact will be experienced, of course, by bureaus and travel in Indonesia."

See also

Thanks for visiting Some time ago there are discourse to revoke the status of Borobudur Temple as a World Cultural Heritage so what's the underlying problem and how the effort which has been and will be done by the government to maintain the status?Thursday, October 01, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Borobudur Temple has been defined by the UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage so what are the consequences to be borne by the Government of Magelang District?

Drs. Dian Setya Dharma, MM answers, "as citizen of Indonesia in general, and resident of Magelang District in particular, we proud on having cultural tourist attraction, such Borobudur Temple, the unbeatable on earth. Actually, the consequences are not too binding, but with the slogan given to Borobudur Temple the "World Cultural Heritage", at least we should have a sense of belonging and a sense of concern for preserving the heritage. And if we're going to talk about maintenance, then automatically we also have to want to keep Borobudur through preservation and conservation. So Magelang District Government responsibility is as a facilitator, motivator, and stabilizer, within the limits of our authority which is in Zone III, we support all activities both from UNESCO, the Kementerian Parekraf, the Kementerian Dalam Negeri and the Central Java Provincial Government. We do not provide special funding from the State Budget and Expenditure, but only limited assistance, such as promoting the potential of tourism, arts and culture, improve the human resource development for managers of Desa Wisata as well as the communities that are around the area attractions of Borobudur Temple. Our expectations, either directly or indirectly people can come to enjoy, get something useful from where the tourist area of Borobudur Temple existing. The main one is the welfare of the society."

See also

Thanks for visiting Borobudur Temple has been defined by the UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage so what are the consequences to be borne by the Government of Magelang District?Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Think about what advantages perceived by the citizens around the Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple is said to be the grandest in the world, many people admire the beauty and the greatness of the construction, therefore tourist attraction of the temple of Borobudur every year visited by many domestic and tourists from abroad. Tourism of Borobudur Temple is like delicious cakes that always attracts attention, many people want to enjoy and has an interest in it, but what advantages perceived by the citizens around the sights of Borobudur Temple?
To learn more about how the role of Borobudur Temple as tourist attraction to the surrounding society and Magelang district citizens and the local government, the following narrative from Head of Tourism of Magelang District, Drs. Dian Setya Dharma, MM to Widodo Anwari, SUARA GEMILANG magazine reporter.

Thanks for visiting Think about what advantages perceived by the citizens around the Borobudur TempleTuesday, September 29, 2015
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