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Monday, November 16, 2015

Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara: Favorite Edutainment-Tourism Destinations

Instead of the MISSION, the Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara is also has the VISION; provide information to the public, particularly on all matters related to Indonesian traditional games. Starting from the Vision and Mission, the Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara strive to become one of the favorite edutainmet-tourism destinations for the peoples. To facilitate this, the Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara equipped with arena to play traditional games like hopscotch (Sundamanda), the stilts, Spinning Top, the giant clogs, Gobak Sodor, Neker (marble), and so on.

Engklek Tutorial

The Sunda Manda

Engklek VS Benthik

But not only that, the Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara also provides a variety of traditional toys that can be rented out to the visitors. There are also a gallery displaying a wide range of traditional toys and photographs as well as information about the diversity of traditional games from all over the archipelago.

(Rony G. Suara Gemilang) Thanks for visiting Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara: Favorite Edutainment-Tourism DestinationsMonday, November 16, 2015

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